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Siberian Fir Essential Oil (Abies Sibirica)
100% Natural
Name: Siberian Fir Essential Oil
Natural: 100 % Pure Oil
Latin name: Oleum Pini Sibiricum
Ingredients INCI: Abies Sibirica Needle Oil
Volume: 10 ml (0.33 oz)
Origin country: Russia
Aroma: pure, fresh, cool, rich, spicy, harsh, balsamic, resinous, pine, reminds the smell of fresh pine forest.
antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, general strengthening, tones the skin, reduces unpleasant foot smell.
It is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases prevention of the respiratory system.
- Treat your health and beauty with special care with the help of natural essential oils.
- The Siberian Fir Essential Oil (Abies Sibirica Needle Oil) can be best used for Stress Relief, Headaches, Calming, Best Antiseptic, Prevention of the respiratory system, Freshen Rooms, Home Fragrances.
- The Siberian Fir Essential Oil is great for Beauty purposes, Aromatherapy, Relaxation, Massage, Diffuser and has various valuable and healing benefits.
- For more details in relation to the fir needle oil please refer to the works on aromatherapy.
- The Siberian Fir Essential Oil can be mixed with other essential or base oils. Make the right choice and protect your health and beauty.
for aromatherapy and oil enrichment of beauty aids.
Ways of using, dosage:
- Common massage, segmental: 4-7 drops per 15 ml of vegetable base oil;
- Diffuser: 1-3 drops per 1-2 liters of water;
- Aroma lamp: 4-7 drops per 15 ml of water for square of 15 m2;
- Cosmetics enrichment: 4-7 drops per 15 ml of base (cream, shampoo, gel, liquid soap, etc.);
- Common aroma bath: 7-10 drops previously mixed with the emulsifier (1 / 4-1 / 3 cup of milk, cream or sea salt).
For external use. Must be individually tested. Avoid overdosing. Avoid contact with eyes. If oil gets into eyes, rinse them with plenty of water. Keep out of the reach of children. If pregnant or lactating consult your health care practitioner before using.
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